Electronics contain heavy metals which can contaminate drinking water if not handled properly.  Electronics should be dismantled by a professional to be recycled into new electronic equipment.  The following locations accept electronics.  Be sure to read each listing carefully as some do not accept televisions.  

Acceptable Electronics

Delaware County

DKMM semi-permanent collection by appointment April - September.  Please click here for additional details.

Best Buy, 1375 Polaris Pkwy, Columbus, Ohio 43240, (614) 430-0789
Staples, (No televisions accepted) 59 Meadow Park Avenue, Lewis Center, Ohio, (740) 549-2755
Ohio Mulch (No televisions or computer monitors accepted) 883 U.S. Highway 42 N., Delaware (740) 363-8496
Ohio Mulch (No televisions or computer monitors accepted) 6673 U.S. Route 23 S., Lewis Center (740) 548-6242
Ohio Mulch (No televisions or computer monitors accepted) 6300 Frost Road, Westerville (614) 568-0222
Accurate IT, 3854 Fisher Road, Columbus, Ohio (614) 453-0709

Knox County

Gambier Community Center, 115 Meadowlane, Gambier, contact Knox Co Recycling and Litter Prevention (740) 393-6704

Opportunity Knox,  (No televisions or monitors accepted) 17604 Coshocton Road,  Mount Vernon, 740-501-2135

Marion County
MARCA Industries, 2080 Harding Highway East, Marion (740)375-6144

Morrow County
DKMM semi-permanent collection by appointment April - September.  Please click here for additional details.

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Delaware Knox Marion Morrow
Solid Waste District
619 W. Marion Road
Entrance B, Suite 107
Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338
